
Acne is a common skin condition involving the blockage of hair follicles and its accompanying oil gland. It can be further characterized by non-inflammatory black heads or white heads, and by inflammatory pustules or nodules commonly known as a “pimple”. This disease affect an estimated 80% of the ...Read more

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Acne is a common skin condition involving the blockage of hair follicles and its accompanying oil gland. It can be further characterized by non-inflammatory black heads or white heads, and by inflammatory pustules or nodules commonly known as a “pimple”.

This disease affect an estimated 80% of the population at some time during their lives, and usually appear on the face, chest and back. Around 20% will experience a severe form of acne which can lead to permanent scarring over the skin.


The main cause of acne is a genetic predisposition, and other factors that may aggravate it include the usage of unsuitable cosmetic products, hormonal disorders, pregnancy, stress, certain diet as well as medications.


Acne happens when one or a combination of these mechanisms occur:

  1. Accumulation of dead skin plugging up the pores
  2. Excess oil production 
  3. Infection of follicles by the bacteria Cutibacterium Acnes
  4. Follicle inflammation


There are a wide range of treatment options for inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne which include topical creams, oral medications, facial extractions, chemical peels and so on. Treatment plan will vary depending on type and stage of acne, so be sure to visit a qualified practitioner and get started on the appropriate treatment early. 

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